Monday 27 December 2010

Four days to go... or five if you're just waking up (and your help needed)

I hope you all had marvellous Christmasses. We were both feeling a little peaky but we're on our way to recovery. And we have lots of chocolate-eating to catch up with.

There have been a healthy number of hits on the site today, and we're getting new people signing up all the time. It's only four days before we start. How did that happen? 

So for the last push...

Do follow us @ariverofstones on Twitter if you're not already, and keep letting people know what you're doing on Facebook etc.

Finally it'd be a great help if you could send this email to ten writers and ten non-writers - choose a few people you think would be interested and a few you're not so sure about - you never know! 

Thanks for your help, we much appreciate it - it wouldn't be a river without you, it'd be a little trickle. We'll be back tomorrow with an exercise to get your writing juices going.  


Hello – I’m taking part in a new project starting on January the 1st and I thought you might like to join me.

In an attempt to pay more attention, I will be noticing one thing properly every day (a bird eating berries, a child playing in the street) and writing it down. People from across the world will be joining me and we’ll be creating a ‘river’ of these short pieces of writing.

You can write them down in a notebook or on a blog – and it doesn’t matter if you’ve done any writing before or not. The purpose of the project is to help us to pay attention, and to start the year as we mean to go on.

If you’d like to join us find out more at or email for more information.

It’d also be lovely if you could forward this email to five friends you think might be interested.

Thank you!

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