Friday, 15 July 2011

Are you failing?

(if you're new it's not too late to start writing small stones - go here)

A post from the archive from Fiona:
Are you failing?

"I know that of what I've written so far, most are not actually small stones. Like I said at the beginning, maybe it's enough to write something every day, but I'm not even managing that. Have I failed already then? I don't think so. I am looking more closely and I am thinking more clearly, whether I write it down or not. So, I'm not going to beat myself up but be grateful for the space to reflect on such things. I've been in a pretty negative place lately and that has already changed. I'm feeling grateful for all sorts of things and a joy that has long been absent has reappeared. There are glimpses of hope and so I press on, trying to be more disciplined in my daily writing and reflecting on it's value. Perhaps other things have changed that might account for this change of heart, I don't know, but it seems to me that small stones are building new foundations."

This is from Ghost Writer at Lime Tree Legends

I wonder who else out there might have started with good intentions and tailed off. Or missed a day and given up. 

As Ghost Writer says, it doesn't matter. As writers (as people) the important thing is to begin again. 

And again.

And again.

One small stone, or even ten seconds of looking for one, is better than none. 

Do share your own experiences of perseverance (how to or how not to!) in the comments.


  1. Stones are a bit like photography, I find. Some days I stumble about, blind, and some days I can't keep my camera away.

  2. Do not look and they will come............

  3. Struggling here. Some days are better than. Remember: We never saw the work that Hemingway tossed in the waste basket!

  4. I had been pulled away because the first weekend was a holiday!! but I got right back to it-and have been writing one a day.

    sometimes one single momentary thought is a stone. collect those thoughts, it will surprise you how easily they stand on their own.

  5. I have no big problem with the same stone 31 times (Lolly). I love those birds - there is always action! But it does make you look further, to try to notice other things that may be otherwise overlooked.

    Sometimes I struggle, but there is usually one photo in my mind from the day that I can retrieve and ponder.

  6. I am sure we do not succeed at everything...
    I try to use a monthly theme for stones. As for daily pieces I just look into my life, but sometimes I am inspired by others and write about something completely unrelated to me.

    Fail is negative. I try and do less negative - and the more postitive I do the less negative is allowed to enter into the picture. Any progress however small is forward positive directoin :)

  7. Do all keep going, if they're all about the same thing or not. Mimi - good advice :)

  8. I like ur blog :) follow my blog please ;) you wouldn't believe i'm 18 and writing such good life experiences :) i'ma upload a great one tomorro so look out but follow my blog k :)
