Tuesday 5 April 2011

Swinging below a star

Look for a lovely thing. This is Lolly's new blog for her small stones... a lovely thing in itself. A few people are creating separate blogs for their small stones, ready for our July challenge or to start now if they can't wait. You can see all the small-stone-only blogs at The River, and the other participants in the blogroll here on the right. 

Of course, small stones are ugly and annoying and heartbreaking as well as gorgeous and sparkly and marvellous, but I'm sure some of you will write some others to balance Lolly's out. 

There have been a few little changes over at the Writing Our Way Home forum, and now our blogs are at the top. If you scroll down far enough, you might even find a hiding Issa poem.... do come and say hi, and think about starting a group if you have an idea of a writing project. The April Writing as Spiritual Practice e-course is now underway - so there's an early bird discount of £15/$20 to join the May one if you sign up before the 17th of April. 

And to borrow Lolly's Sara Teasdale quote:

"Stars over snow, And in the west a planet. Swinging below a star-- Look for a lovely thing and you will find it, It is not far-- It never will be far."
--Sara Teasdale

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